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Understanding WordPress Autosave Feature

The WordPress Autosave feature is a built-in functionality available on WordPress sites that automatically saves posts and pages while using the Editor. This feature serves as a protective measure to prevent loss of work in case of power outages, browser crashes, or other unexpected interruptions.

Autosaves are created based on a default time interval, typically set to 60 seconds. However, the specific autosave interval can vary depending on the configuration of the web host. Users also have the flexibility to manually adjust the autosave interval by editing the wp-config.php file or the functions.php file for the active theme.

It’s important to note that autosaves differ from revisions in WordPress. While autosaves automatically occur in the background without the need for manual saving, revisions are manually saved drafts of posts or pages that are stored for future reference.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore how to use and manage WordPress autosaves, as well as the limitations of this feature.

How to Use and Manage WordPress Autosaves

WordPress autosaves are a valuable feature that ensures you don’t lose your work while creating posts and pages. Knowing how to effectively use and manage autosaves can save you time and frustration. This section will guide you through the process of restoring, deleting, changing the autosave interval, and disabling autosave on your WordPress site.

Restoring WordPress Autosaves

To restore a WordPress autosave, follow these simple steps:

  1. Reload the Editor.
  2. Look for the “Restore the backup” button.
  3. If an autosave is available, click on the button to restore your work.

Restoring autosaves allows you to recover your previous drafts and continue working without losing any progress.

Deleting WordPress Autosaves

If you want to delete a specific autosave, you have a couple of options:

  1. Access the database using tools like phpMyAdmin.
  2. Use plugins like the Advanced Database Cleaner to clean out unnecessary autosave entries.

By deleting unwanted autosave entries, you can keep your database clean and organized.

Changing the WordPress Autosave Interval

The default autosave interval in WordPress is typically 60 seconds. However, if you want to change this interval, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the wp-config.php file of your WordPress installation.
  2. Add the appropriate line of code to modify the autosave interval.

By adjusting the autosave interval, you can customize the frequency at which autosaves occur, based on your preference and workflow.

Disabling WordPress Autosave

If you prefer to disable autosave altogether, you can do so by:

  1. Adding custom code to the functions.php file of your WordPress theme.
  2. Changing the autosave interval to a high number (e.g., setting it to 9999).

Disabling autosave can be useful in certain scenarios where manual saving is preferred or when working with plugins or themes that require turning off autosave functionality.

Action Method
Restore WordPress Autosaves Reload the Editor and click on the “Restore the backup” button.
Delete WordPress Autosaves Access the database using tools like phpMyAdmin or use plugins like Advanced Database Cleaner.
Change WordPress Autosave Interval Edit the wp-config.php file and add the appropriate line of code.
Disable WordPress Autosave Add custom code to the functions.php file or change the autosave interval to a high number.

Limitations of the Autosave Feature

While the autosave feature in WordPress provides valuable protection for work in progress, it does have some limitations. One key limitation is that not all plugins support the revisions feature that autosaves rely on. This means that if a plugin doesn’t support revisions, certain data may not be stored in autosaves.

Another limitation is that autosaves are limited to one at a time. Unlike revisions, which allow users to have multiple drafts saved for easy comparison and toggling, autosaves can only store the most recent version of the content.

It’s important to understand that revisions and autosaves serve different purposes. Revisions reflect the actual changes made to a post or page and are saved manually, while autosaves are background saves that occur automatically without impacting the actual content itself.

Additionally, revisions update the Last Modified Date of the content, providing a timestamp for when changes were made. However, autosaves do not update the Last Modified Date, as they are considered background saves that happen in the editing process.


What is the autosave feature in WordPress?

The autosave feature in WordPress is enabled by default to protect the content of site owners. It automatically saves posts and pages while using the Editor to prevent loss of work in case of power outages, browser crashes, or other issues.

How can I restore a WordPress autosave?

To restore a WordPress autosave, simply reload the Editor and click on the “Restore the backup” button if an autosave is available.

How can I delete a specific autosave in WordPress?

To delete a specific autosave in WordPress, you can access the database using tools like phpMyAdmin or use plugins like Advanced Database Cleaner to clean out unnecessary autosave entries.

How can I change the autosave interval in WordPress?

To change the autosave interval in WordPress, you need to edit the wp-config.php file and add the appropriate line of code.

How can I disable the autosave feature in WordPress?

To disable the autosave feature in WordPress, you can add custom code to the functions.php file or change the autosave interval to a high number.

What are the limitations of the autosave feature in WordPress?

The autosave feature in WordPress has some limitations. Not all plugins support the revisions feature that autosaves rely on, so some data may not be stored in autosaves if the plugin doesn’t support revisions. Autosaves are also limited to one at a time, while revisions can have multiple drafts saved for easy comparison and toggling.

What are the differences between revisions and autosaves in WordPress?

Revisions and autosaves serve different purposes in WordPress. Revisions reflect actual changes to the post and update the Last Modified Date of the content, while autosaves are background saves that don’t impact the post itself.


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